Dear Friends of Brown Bag Popcorn:
Somerset Collection has announced its temporary closing today. As a result, our Brown Bag Popcorn store (third floor) will be closed at least through March 27th. We will however keep running a limited production operation, so we can offer special less expensive online deals to send you tins of popcorn should you need your fix of our delicious product, and want to continue to help Detroiters in need.
In keeping with SAY Detroit’s mission to serve our neighbors most in need, we have partnered with Somerset Collection to distribute our remaining popcorn supply to homeless and hungry Detroiters.
We take community and citizenship seriously, and want to do our part in fighting against the current challenge. We hope to reopen soon, and will share updates on our website and social media regarding reopening, as well as ways to continue supporting your favorite Brown Bag Popcorn, Detroit Water Ice Factory, and SAY Detroit.